Privacy Policy - Application

Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to Art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)

The information provided below describe, as required by the EU Regulation 2016/679, the processing of personal data that would take place after the submission of the form that you are about to fill in.


The data controller is Xenia S.r.l., Via Dante Alighieri 23/A, 36065 Mussolente (VI), Italy, who can be contacted at the following e-mail address [email protected]


The personal data mentioned in the form will be used to evaluate your application and assess the possible interest of our Company in order to reach a future establishment of a contractual relationship with its the content definition.


After your voluntary and explicit consent, the abovementioned purposes will be pursued according to the terms and conditions listed in the page of collection of the personal data. We remind you that the data marked with the symbol * (asterisk) are mandatory in order to benefit from the services required. If these data fields are not fill in, it will not be possible to provide you with our services and, as it could be mentioned during the phase of form-compiling, the data will not be acquired. The compiling of the other data is optional and you are free to decide whether to fill them in or not.


Your personal data will be processed by our staff responsible for the management of the services that have been required, by the staff of the technical management of the website (only when it is considered necessary) and by potential third parties involved in the conduct of these same activities, as responsible for the processing of personal data.


Besides this, the submitted data are not going to be disclosed to other third parties and they will be exclusively known by our company.
Your data will be retained until the services you have required have been fulfilled or until you decide to submit a cancellation request. With regard to organisational needs or regulatory requirements your data could be retained in specific archives for a period of time strictly necessary to fulfil these purposes.


We remind you that you own, together with the right of data portability, the right to claim the access to your submitted data, to rectify or delete them or to oppose yourself or limit the processing of your data. You can exert your rights using the data controller’s contacts abovementioned.
Your consent can be rectified at any time by contacting the data controller at the given e-mail address or by following the procedure shown by the means shown by the data processing.


We finally remind you that you hold the right to file a complaint with the control supervisor represented in Italy by the Italian Data Protection Authority (