Xenia Materials engineers and produces high-performing thermoplastic composites reinforced fiber and additives.
Xenia Materials collaborates with multinationals, universities and research facilities, aiming to share, develop its technical know-how and study new high performing polymers in order to meet the most advanced technological requests of the markets.
The research for innovative technologies, the development of cutting-edge solutions and the creation of new materials able to resist the most challenging conditions are the bases on which Xenia Materials is founded.
The deep technological research leads to the creation of thermoplastic composites reinforced fibers and additives for metal replacement, for substituting thermoset composite materials or simply to improve the features of an already existing manufacture.
Value chain
For Xenia Materials it is essential to transfer the results of technological and scientific research and apply them to daily industrial applications, in order to bring an effective difference to global markets.
People who daily work and share objectives and values is what Xenia Materials strives for. Positive attitude and working together as a team enhance the will to improve and operate in order to obtain and research quality and reliability in our every goal.